Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Declutter Blitz Update - Look and Chuck

Didn't get chance yesterday to update you all on how my quick blitz went, so here goes!

With the help of Husband we spent two hours basically throwing stuff out.  We didn't particularly sort anything or make long term decisions on items - we just Looked and Chucked!

So armed with a big bag each we...
  • Went into a room and shut the door (no distractions!)
  • Gathered up any obvious rubbish; recycling in one bag, general waste in the other
  • Any small items that were out of place went in the Repatriation Box - read more about this here
  • Any big items out of place went into the laundry basket to be replaced
  • VERY quickly opened any drawers or cupboards for any obvious rubbish
When we had completed this process in a room the big items out of place went to back to where they should be.  If was any item that didn't have a place yet, well, for now its in the Room of Doom......

After we had done this throughout the house, Husband vaccumed and dusted and I cleaned the bathroom.  The house was pretty orderly and ready for us to go back to work in a fairly relaxed state of mind.

Now don't get me wrong, the house is far from decluttered.  I obstinately ignored the pile of 'must take to the charity shop' items under the stairs.  I paid no attention to the pile of paperwork that isn't for binning on top of the piano.  At the moment, that's where they live.  But very soon it will all be emigrating to pastures new.

A good surface clean has made me feel that I have a spring board for a really good sort out.  Decluttering can create mess, and if there is mess already there it can be really easy to feel overwhelmed.  I also think that surface cleaning means there is less distractions.  I don't want to be halfway through sorting out the sideboard and then think, I know, I will just take out the rubbish/put books back/gather up knitting wool.  I have done that already.

My quest continues! The Declutter Diarist

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