Been quite busy the last couple of nights, after a fairly chilled out weekend. Husband and I decided to tackle the two wardrobes and chest of drawers in our bedroom.
This definitely wasn't a job that I could tackle by myself, I am nowhere near qualified enough to make throw or keep decisions on man stuff.
Here is a little look at the before.....
Nightmare, no? There turned out to be all sorts of stuff in there. It is a miracle that we have been able to find anything!
The basic approach was to decide what clothes we were keeping so we had a bin bag handy ready for the charity shop. We filled this in no time at all as well as a whole bag of just junk.
The shelves and rails were all cleaned and, of the clothes we kept, they were folded neatly and put on the right hangers.
All in all, we spent an hour and a half sorting, cleaning and chucking. The results are fab and are actually saving me time getting ready in the morning! There is still a lot of room left on the shelves and rails, which is a good job as I know there are handbags and shoes around the house that really need to live in the wardrobe.
So, here are the results!
Much better! The clear plastic boxes are an absolute godsend and I have used them for shoes, small bags, scarves and hosiery. I also found 70p!
But I am not quite finished. I had got into a rather bad habit of putting clothes away before they were ironed. This was a vain attempt to keep the house 'looking' reasonable. But it is very much a false economy, because the item I or Husband needed would never be ready when we needed it.
So tonight I have a big pile of ironing to do, so have set up in front of the telly with a gin and tonic!
The mission continues....
The Declutter Diarist